Bearwulf on Granted Radio - Episode 36

Bearwulf is a power-trio rock band from Long Beach, CA. They are big supporters of local music and have a strong following.

Bearwulf consists of the triple threat “screaming Viking” vocalist and bassist, Rob Graveley, the amazingly talented Danny Cadiz on guitar, and the one that makes sure that “Bearwulf loves you,” is Max Cogert on drums. They gig regularly and are an amazing live band, so make sure to check them out at one of their shows. And if you can’t make it to one of their shows, their performances on this episode are phenomenal!

This Granted Radio episode is recorded at Granted Records, is hosted by Emo Alaeddin, and Alex Elespuru, and produced by Guy Babusek.

Make sure to check out Granted Radio Nights, where we have a full line-up of local bands performing at your local OC dive bar.

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